Publish What You Pay (PWYP): Promoting equitable and transparent generation and allocation of extractives revenues (Theme 2)

The project will support capacity building peer-learning knowledge-sharing and advocacy by civil society organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa to monitor the tax payments made by extractive companies to governments with a view to ensuring that they contribute to equitable and sustainable development.The project will be coordinated by Publish What You Pay (PWYP) the global grassroots civil society movement that promotes transparency citizen participation and accountability in the extractive sector around the world.It will aim:1. To promote information disclosure and analysis about the fiscal framework and tax revenues generated by the extraction of oil gas and minerals in Uganda Mozambique and Tanzania2. To support the effective use of that information by civil society to influence decision makers to implement fiscal reforms in the extractive sector at national and regional levels3. To Increase women?s effective participation and voice in decision making processes about whether and how extractive revenues are allocated in sub-national budgets in Uganda Mozambique and Tanzania4. To strengthen coordination and information sharing on the extractives tax justice agenda among civil society at regional and global levels.
USD 1119444.76
USD 559722.38
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