How to join the ATI?

The ATI always welcomes new partners!
Become a partner country or a development partner

Countries can join the ATI by sending a signed endorsement letter to International Tax Compact (ITC), which facilitates the ATI Secretariat, declaring their commitment to the ATI Declaration 2025.​​​​​​ The endorsement letter needs to be signed by an institution that is authorised to sign and that can provide the necessary political support to fulfil the ATI commitments (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance or the like). 

Become a supporting organisation

Organisations can join the ATI as supporting organisations by sending an endorsement letter signed by a representative within your organisation that is authorised to sign and that can provide the necessary political support to the fulfilment of the ATI commitments.


If your country or organisation is interested in joining the ATI, please contact us at to recieve a template for the endorsement letter. The signed letter can be send back to us via email or regular mail. The ITC will  then forward the signed endorsement letter to the ATI Steering Committee for information and approval.