The NTO at the ATI/ITC Tax and Development Conference 2019
On 4 July 2019, Marcio F. Verdi, Head of Council of the Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) and Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), represented the Network of Tax Organisations in the closing panel of the ATI/ITC Tax and Development Conference 2019 in Berlin.
As the commitments to (i) collectively double support to domestic revenue mobilisation, (ii) step up the mobilisation of domestic revenues in partners countries, and (iii) promote and ensure policy coherence for development, set in the context of the Addis Tax Initiative, are meant to be achieved by 2020, the panel explored what could be the new objectives for an agreed period beyond 2020 and the way to get there.
Together with Gabriela Hoven, Director General at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Essa Jallow, Deputy Commissioner The Gambia Revenue Authority, Samrita Sidhu, Deputy Director of the Public Finance and Tax (PFT) department at the Department for International Development (DFID), and Marijn Verhoeven, Head of the Global Tax Team and Lead Economist at the World Bank Group, Mr. Verdi discussed possible priorities for the Addis Tax Initiative post-2020.
During his interventions, Mr. Verdi emphasised NTO members’ commitment to supporting the collective action of the ATI member countries and supporting organisations to continue the Addis Tax Initiative. He encouraged a stronger focus on the objectives of aid effectiveness and donor coordination, while better taking into consideration the absorption capacities of partner countries, which should notably help avoid duplication and fragmentation in DRM support.
In addition, the Network of Tax Organisations was represented at the conference by: Mr. Logan Wort, Executive Secretary of the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), and Raphael Kamoto, Director Strategic Partnerships, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation at ATAF; Dr. Mohamed Osman Ibrahim Abdalla, Secretary General, Association of Tax Authorities of Islamic Countries (ATAIC); Mr. Alejandro Juarez, Director of Training and Human Capacity Development at CIAT; Mr. Jean-Marc Niel, Secretary General of the Tax Administrators Circle for Reflection and Exchange (CREDAF), and Mr. Ismaila Diallo, Deputy Secretary General of CREDAF; and Ms. Koni Ravono, Head of the Pacific Islands Tax Administrators’ Association (PITAA) Secretariat.
In preparation of the ATI/ITC Tax and Development Conference 2019, the Network of Tax Organisations put together a position paper on the role of regional tax organisations in the Addis Tax Initiative post-2020. The position paper can be found here.