Tax Justice Network Africa joins the Addis Tax Initiative The 18th ATI supporting organisation will amplify the call for equitable tax systems.
The role of subnational revenue raising for public service delivery During the first webinar organised by the ATI, DeLoG and Norad, valuable inputs raised awareness for local governments’ potential for raising revenues and financing key...
ATI Declaration 2025 officially launched at the 2021 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development The high-level side event has heralded the new era for the partnership, accounting for new priorities as a means to foster equitable and efficient tax systems in the “Decade...
ATI, DeLoG and Norad launch webinar series on subnational DRM for sustainable development Upcoming webinars will address the opportunities, challenges and modalities of raising revenues at the local level, while bringing the tax and local governance communities...
NTO webinar series "Tax & Crime": “Exchange of Information and Inter-Agency Cooperation in Combatting Tax Crimes" With guest speakers from the Iranian National Tax Administration (INTA) and the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office (RFB), the session will provide the platform for an insightful...
ATI Declaration 2025 brings the role of regional tax organisations to the fore Members of the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) have agreed on the new ATI Declaration 2025. The document serves as important milestone by setting a new agenda and priorities for...
ATI Declaration 2025 confirmed as new partnership agenda at the 2020 ATI General Assembly At the 2020 ATI General Assembly, ATI members ignited high-level commitment to the new ATI Declaration 2025, the milestone that will guide the partnership in their efforts to...
7th Executive NTO Council Meeting held virtually On 24 November 2020, the heads and focal points of the NTO member organisations participated virtually in the 7th NTO Executive Council Meeting.
Spotlights on the work of ATI members during the 2020 ATI General Assembly At the 2020 ATI General Assembly, ATI members had the opportunity to share success stories and recent activities on domestic revenue mobilisation to enhance peer-learning and...
How to host a virtual meeting? – NTO provides training for its members Upon the request from the Association of Tax Authorities of Islamic Countries, ATAIC, the Secretariat of the NTO organised a peer-to-peer learning event for the secretariat...
CIAT publication on ICT for Tax Administrations is available now The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations has published a new book: “ICT as a Strategic Tool to Leapfrog the Efficiency of Tax Administrations”.